
Our mission is to give every athlete in the world simple and effective mental performance tools so they can compete at their best when it matters the most!

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Work With Sam

Sam Antonen

Sam is one of the top Mental Performance Mastery Coaches in the UK. Sam provides his clients clarity, support and direction so they can perform at their best when it matters the most.

Sam has worked with numerous clients all over the world (United States, Finland, Netherlands, Hungary to name a few). His clients have collected World Championships, Regional Tournament Championships and include Champions League athletes and Football World Cup runner-ups.

  • Edson Braafheid

    (Former Bayern Munich, Lazio Rome & Dutch International. 2010 Fifa World Cup Runner Up.)

    “Sam’s coaching gave me more awareness about the process and the beauty of it! I am now focusing on the things I can control and take that with me everyday, this gives me a peace of mind.

    I am now much more in control of my responses in any given situation and this was a big accomplishment for me. When adversity hits, it’s another opportunity to get better!

    My confidence and the fear that I used to have has minimised to almost zero. I am now confident that I can overcome anything that comes my way. During Sam’s coaching I got to know myself better and that made a huge difference! I have now got a strong foundation and I am ready to take the next step in my life!

    People spend a lot of time and money on personal trainers but they don’t train the brain, the body cannot function without the brain. If you are not working on your mental performance you’re not going to reach your full potential.

    I am really grateful and thankful for the session I had with you and look forward to many more!”

  • Gardner Minshew

    (Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback)

    “My biggest challenge was finding consistency in my mental preparation for plays, practices or games. This made me feel very frustrated that I could not control my mental preparation. After I started working with Sam, I began to understand the process of mental preparation and it put my mind at ease that I could put myself in the best position possible.

    The main result was that I felt much more comfortable getting into and staying in flow state during competitions.

    I would say that if you’re serious about your performance then this is a must. Your mental preparation can take you to the next level.”

  • Kendall Reusing

    (7x Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion)

    “I was able to have a much more predictable performance experience due to routines and practising mental toughness skills during training/outside of competition.

    At the WNO Championships I had the best performance of my career because I shifted my mindset from “I have to win” to “I want to win and I’m going to have so much fun doing it.” Every match performance of tournament was predictable, consistent, and sharp. I was able to show up fully for every fight.

    You can learn all of the “tricks” in the world, but until you have a plan designed specifically for you with accountability in mind, they won’t allow you to transform fully. It’s good to have someone on your team to keep you on track. You will never regret that.

    I was worried it was going to be a lot of babble and theoretical coaching. Instead, I got specific actions and improvements I could make and build off of every single day.”

  • Santiago Patiño

    (Professional Soccer Player -San Antonio FC & Colombia U-23)

    “After doing the mindset coaching with Sam, I felt more comfortable in different aspects of the game. One of them was feeling more focused in practices and games. By doing so I felt better during and after the game. The strategies have made me feel more confident and ready for what’s coming. As Sam tells me often, the more work I do outside or inside of the field the better you would be overall.

    I would say that if you want to be the best version of yourself and want to accomplish goals and mission in your career is going to take more than training and playing matches. There are little things that we as athletes don’t think are important but once you start developing them you will notice the difference.”

  • Dylan Teves

    (Professional Soccer Player -Seattle Sounders FC)

    “Biggest challenge was finding the right tools to use in games/trainings to make every moment more focused. Also having more intent and reflections on things I do.

    After Sam’s coaching I was equipped with the tools, became more focused with my time, and focused more on the processes then outcomes.

    I would say that even if you think you know how you can become a better player, Sam has the expertise to help drive your game to another level. He becomes a valuable resource and friend that will hold you accountable and drive you to become better.”

  • Zach Ryan

    (Professional Soccer Player -New York Red Bulls)

    “Knowing that I can control a set number of things, being okay with that, and striving to perform in those areas to the best of my ability every training and game was something that Sam taught me.

    This season I competed harder than ever, was excited for each and every match, and my ABCs helped me re-center in difficult moments. Also, I’ve found enjoyment in the consistency of my preparation.

    An underrated aspect of doing this coaching is the accountability that Sam brings. He is never overbearing, but is not afraid to question what you have to say when you make excuses for yourself. 99% is a bitch 100% is a breeze, and he will drag you to 100% if he has to!”

  • Sam Gleadle

    (Professional Soccer Player -Monterey Bay FC)

    “I had a lot of negative self-talk in training and matches, this added a lot of stress on my shoulders. I felt on edge and felt like I had to do everything perfectly and played not to make mistakes.

    A lot of things changed after doing the program; I now have confidence in my ability and I move on from mistakes quicker. Also I learned how to prepare before practices and also how to reflect after practice, that has helped me perform better in training and in matches. All that combined has helped me become less stressed.

    Overall I enjoy playing more due to the lower level of stress and I can reset better after mistakes or bad performances.

    Coaching with Sam is worth it, I really enjoyed it.

    If you do coaching with Sam you will have a good time, learn a lot from it and improve.”

  • Marlo Sweatman

    (Professional Soccer Player - Szombathelyi Haladás & Jamaican National Team)

    “After my coaching with Sam everything changed for me. Mentality, motivation, lifestyle & career.

    Before working with Sam I almost quit professional soccer, after working with Sam everything turned around. I became a true professional and also got nominated for team captain.

    Sam’s coaching will change your career. No change is easy, but once you take that step you won't look back.

    Sam, you’re the best and I appreciate everything you've done to help me grow in my career.”

  • Ismaila Jome

    (Professional Soccer Player -Portland Timbers)

    “I’ve always been a motivated and driven individual. Working with Sam just further fuelled my drive and he helped me become better. During my last preseason, I reached out to Sam to help me prepare for a trial with the Portland Timbers to make sure I was doing all I could to be prepared.

    His guidance helped tremendously in organizing my routines. I still use that today. Being on trial is a stressful process but these techniques gave me a better platform to perform everyday. I ended up signing with the team and a big thank you to Sam for providing guidance through the process and talking through whatever I was feeling day to day.”