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1:1 Coaching

We all have thoughts in our heads that can keep us from reaching our true potential. Maybe you know you have more talent than what you're showing, but mentally you struggle to 'get over the hump' and perform well in big moments. And when those negative thoughts and past failures creep into your head, it can be GAME OVER.

I'm here to help everyone be at their best regardless of their sport, grade level, or profession. This isn't going to be sessions filled with rah-rah, feel-good quotes. We'll dive into what makes you tick and develop concrete ways for you to improve your game and mental performance so you can unlock your true potential. With meetings personalized only to you, this is the fastest and most effective way to develop the tools needed to overcome any mental barriers that are holding you back.

The tools and skills you'll learn will help you improve all facets of your life, not just in your sport or profession. Failure is everywhere and it can be detrimental to your growth as an athlete and a person... if you don't know how to handle it. You'll gain the mental skills necessary to help you take those 'failures' and turn them into learning opportunities so the next time you face adversity, you'll know exactly how to respond and react to elevate yourself above everyone else.

I will serve as your personal Mental Performance Coach and provide you with support for when you truly need it.

As I said before, this won't be full of quotes that get you amped up for 10 minutes but leave you wondering 'but how do I actually do that' - these will be sessions that provide a personalised, systematic approach to teaching the skills necessary to be at your best when it matters the most.

What you get by requesting me to work 1-on-1 with you:

  • Initial discussion to go over your needs and set expectations

  • Regular 1:1 virtual meetings tailored to you and what you do

  • Ongoing support in-between coaching sessions via WhatsApp

  • Daily educational message via WhatsApp