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Team Consulting

This is it. This is the complete package that will help you and your team perform at the highest level - to be at their best when it matters the most. This is not merely a "one and done" format but one that will be a systematic approach to maximizing the mental skills of your athletes while providing continued support throughout the process.

Mental Performance is vital yet it can be the greatest source of frustration amongst coaches and athletes. some will say that sports can be up to 90% mental, but not nearly enough time is being devoted to developing it.

This will provide the slight edge for you and year team so that you can:

  • Compete better in the present moment

  • Separate from the competition due to mindset when physical talent is equal

  • Have the framework to compensate & adjust when adversity and challenges arise

I will serve as a trusted member of your team and staff that will provide support throughout your season and beyond.

As I said before, this is not a "show up and see you later" format but one that provides a systematic approach to teaching the skills necessary to be at your best when it matters the most.

What you will get by requesting me to work with your team:

  • Free, no-obligation consultation where we will cover:

    • Format

    • Schedule & Contact Dates

You will also receive through the Team Consulting format:

  • 24/7 On-Going Remote Support Via Phone + Zoom for staff & athletes

  • Individual Coaching Development Programming for Staff

  • 1-1 Coaching with Head Coach & Assistants throughout the season

  • Customised Mental Performance and team culture programming

  • On-site support for select practices and games