The Training Room is a state of the art online platform designed to provide athletes with a mental training framework that is proven to work.

We Train Athletes

We provide both Live and On-Demand training to help you compete at your best when it matters the most.

Athletes that use this platform
more confident, perform
more consistently and have more success in their careers!

Getting Started Is Easy

Trusted By World-Class Athletes & Coaches:

“I was able to have a much more predictable performance experience due to routines and practising mental toughness skills during training/outside of competition."

At the WNO Championships I had the best performance of my career because I shifted my mindset from ‘I have to win’ to ‘I want to win and I’m going to have so much fun doing it.’ Every match performance of tournament was predictable, consistent, and sharp. I was able to show up fully for every fight.

"I was worried it was going to be a lot of babble and theoretical coaching. Instead, I got specific actions and improvements I could make and build off of every single day."

Kendall Reusing

7x Jiu-Jitsu World Champion

“My biggest challenge was finding consistency in my mental preparation for plays, practices or games. This made me feel very frustrated that I could not control my mental preparation.

After I started working with Sam, I began to understand the process of mental preparation and it put my mind at ease that I could put myself in the best position possible.

The main result was that I felt much more comfortable getting into and staying in flow state during competitions.

I would say that if you’re serious about your performance then this is a must. Your mental preparation can take you to the next level.”

Gardner Minshew

Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback

“Sam’s coaching gave me more awareness about the process and the beauty of it! I am now focusing on the things I can control and take that with me everyday, this gives me a peace of mind.

I am now much more in control of my responses in any given situation and this was a big accomplishment for me. When adversity hits, it’s another opportunity to get better!

My confidence and the fear that I used to have has minimised to almost zero. I am now confident that I can overcome anything that comes my way. During Sam’s coaching I got to know myself better and that made a huge difference! I have now got a strong foundation and I am ready to take the next step in my life!”

Bayern Munich & Dutch International
2010 Fifa World Cup Runner Up

Edson Braafheid

So are ​​771 million people that lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water.
Your monthly subscription gives 1 person
access to clean water every year.
For every pro subscription,
we donate 5% of your payment to help those in need, get access to clean water.

Feeling Thirsty After Training?

What’s Inside
The Training Room?

Weekly Live Check-In

Weekly Check-Ins, lead by founder Sam Antonen, are designed to keep you accountable and moving towards your goals.

Each call will feature a quick fire educational topic, weekly reflection and a Q&A.

Come join Sam and other like minded athletes like yourself on the journey to peak performance! It is amazing what you can achieve when you surround yourself with the right people.

Each call, hosted live via Zoom, is designed to empower, energise and get you fired up for the week!

“If you’re an athlete, I highly recommend reaching out and learning from one of the best mental coaches in the game.
I feel like not just my competition performance has improved but just quality and daily life has improved"

Professional Jiu-Jitsu Athlete

Saul Viayra

Mental Performance Accelerator
Intensive Course + Workbook

8-week intensive online course covering the 8 crucial pillars of peak performance:

1. Master Your Mindset
2. Dominate The Process
3. Your Focus Determines Your Future
4. Self-Management
5. Commitment Over Feelings
6. Discipline Will Set You Free
7. The Separation Is In The Preparation
8. Leadership 101

It doesn’t matter if you’re an aspiring competitor or a multiple time world champion, this course will help you perform at your best when it matters the most!

“Sam got me out of a bad mindset, and feeling sorry for myself and dwelling on my injury. With Sam‘s help, I was able to get focus again, and gain control of my mind set. He helped me get organized, reestablish my goals and create a routine for success.

He reminded me who I was again. When I came to him I was broken but he helped me put myself back together now I’m thriving. I am incredibly thankful to have worked with Sam.”

Kevin Figueroa

Jiu-Jitsu Athlete & Coach

Prepare - Perform - Progress
Like A Champion Course

An ongoing training program that will be updated on a consistent basis. This is as close as it gets to 1:1 coaching with Sam.

The aim of this program is to have someone in your corner, delivering proven strategies to help you become the best version of yourself.

You will be building confidence, focus and rock solid habits that will serve you when you need them the most.

Each week a new training video will be unlocked for you to watch, providing you endless ways to level up, now and every day for the rest of your life.

“Shortly after starting the mental performance coaching sessions I placed second at the biggest ADCC trials in history and am now ranked #5 in the world. These achievements can be attributed to the coaching, habits, and routines that Sam has provided me in order to achieve excellence.”

Professional Jiu-Jitsu Athlete

Jasmine Rocha

Group Coaching With Head Coach Sam Antonen

Consider this an educational seminar. This group coaching call lasts 30-45 minutes and takes a deep dive into a Mental Performance topic, chosen and shared in advance.

You will be educated, energised and empowered to take action after each call.

This is an in-depth coaching call that will also include a Q&A.

Educational topics vary from:
Mental Toughness, Routines & Habits, Focus & Awareness, Willpower, Motivation & Commitment, Leadership, Time Management & Organisation, and much more!

“I would say that even if you think you know how you can become a better player, Sam has the expertise to help drive your game to another level. He becomes a valuable resource and friend that will hold you accountable and drive you to become better.”

Professional Soccer Player -
Seattle Sounders FC

Dylan Teves

Live Seminars & Replays

Experts in their field deliver crucial information to becoming a better version of you, in all areas. The Training Room offers talks and coaching from industry leaders to help you dominate the fundamentals of performance:

1. Nutrition
2. Movement
3. Mindset
4. Sleep

Replays: All seminars will be recorded and will be available at the on-demand platform.

“People might think this isn’t for them but I can assure everyone it’s for you. Sam is energetic, very hard working, cares a lot understand, holds your accountable and is really determined help you achieve your goals. He’s also really professional and excellent at what he does.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
Loyola University

Kelan Swales

And Much More…

As a member, you will also get exclusive access to the following:

-Partner Offers

-Private Members Only Mental Performance Community

-Free Access To All Future Courses Added To The Platform

“I reached out to Sam to help me prepare for a trial with the Portland Timbers to make sure I was doing all I could to be prepared. His guidance helped tremendously in organizing my routines. I still use that today. Being on trial is a stressful process but these techniques gave me a better platform to perform everyday.

I ended up signing with the team and a big thank you to Sam for providing guidance through the process and talking through whatever I was feeling day to day.”

Ismaila Jome

Professional Soccer Player -
Portland Timbers & Gambian National Team


Our mission is to give every athlete in the world simple and effective mental performance tools so they can compete at their best when it matters the most!

“I couldn’t recommend working with anyone more if you have upcoming tournaments or are just wanting to improve as an athlete overall”

Jessie Crane

Professional Jiu-Jitsu Athlete

Meet Your Coach

Sam Antonen is one of the top Mental Performance Mastery Coaches in the UK.

Sam provides his clients clarity, support and direction so they can perform at their best when it matters the most.

Sam has worked with numerous clients all over the world (United States, United Kingdom, Finland, Netherlands, Hungary to name a few).

His clients have collected World Championships, Regional Tournament Championships and include Champions League athletes and Football World Cup runner-ups.

What Are Others Saying?

“After doing the mindset coaching with Sam, I felt more comfortable in different aspects of the game. One of them was feeling more focused in practices and games. By doing so I felt better during and after the game. The strategies have made me feel more confident and ready for what’s coming. As Sam tells me often, the more work I do outside or inside of the field the better you would be overall.

I would say that if you want to be the best version of yourself and want to accomplish goals and mission in your career is going to take more than training and playing matches. There are little things that we as athletes don’t think are important but once you start developing them you will notice the difference.”

Professional Soccer Player -
San Antonio FC & Colombia U-23

Santiago Patiño

“I had a lot of negative self-talk in training and matches, this added a lot of stress on my shoulders. I felt on edge and felt like I had to do everything perfectly and played not to make mistakes.

A lot of things changed after doing the program; I now have confidence in my ability and I move on from mistakes quicker. Also I learned how to prepare before practices and also how to reflect after practice, that has helped me perform better in training and in matches. All that combined has helped me become less stressed.

Overall I enjoy playing more due to the lower level of stress and I can reset better after mistakes or bad performances.

If you do coaching with Sam you will have a good time, learn a lot from it and improve.”

Professional Soccer Player -
Monterey Bay FC

Sam Gleadle

“Knowing that I can control a set number of things, being okay with that, and striving to perform in those areas to the best of my ability every training and game was something that Sam taught me.

This season I competed harder than ever, was excited for each and every match, and my ABCs helped me re-center in difficult moments. Also, I’ve found enjoyment in the consistency of my preparation.

An underrated aspect of doing this coaching is the accountability that Sam brings. He is never overbearing, but is not afraid to question what you have to say when you make excuses for yourself. 99% is a bitch 100% is a breeze, and he will drag you to 100% if he has to!”

Professional Soccer Player -
New York Red Bulls

Zach Ryan

“After my coaching with Sam everything changed for me. Mentality, motivation, lifestyle & career.

Sam’s coaching will change your career. No change is easy, but once you take that step you won't look back.

Sam, you’re the best and I appreciate everything you've done to help me grow in my career.”

Marlo Sweatman

Professional Soccer Player -
Haladás & Jamaican National Team

“Sam taught me strategies for your mind that you can apply in your everyday life as both an athlete and a student has been gold to me. Life is full of ups and downs and this program will definitely prepare you to handle this. If you are injured or for some reason can't play what you love at the moment, I can sign under that this program is a must do. It gives you purpose and you actually feel like you are training your mind.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
Sacred Heart University

Olliver Persson

“By following a specific routine, and using techniques taught by Sam, I have become more productive on a day to day basis. Additionally, I have techniques I can count on when feeling low on confidence or motivation in order to help me get back to good form.

The program gives you the tools you need to succeed as an athlete. Just like you have a strengthening coach for your physical strength, a mental coach helps a lot with your mental strength, which is just as important, if not more important.

I had heard a lot of good things about Sam, and the initial session I had with him to see what the program would be like was very good. I had high expectations and was not disappointed.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
Loyola University

Albert Kang

“The mental game is as important as the physical game.

Sam taught me that if you are not aware of how to face adversity and how to respond, you end up losing confidence in yourself and end up playing poorly. This program will also teach you disciple that not only translates to the field, but also in life in general.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
University Of North Carolina

Brigham Larsen

“This has made such a difference in how I approach the game and I am now more motivated to do better and it will do the same for you. I tried other programs before, but they are much less action driven. Rather than thinking about the issues, I liked taking action to get in the right habits to succeed.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
University Of Florida

Lauren McCloskey

“I became confident on and off the field. I wasn’t stressing myself out by constantly overthinking.

In one of my games I can remember starting to be negative and I quickly shot it down with one of the techniques I learned from you.

Continue doing great work with athletes Sam . You honestly did take my game to the next level.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
Stony Brook University

Rondell Payne

“I learned how to motivate myself from within. I developed habits to get better everyday, and knowing that I’ve done everything I can do today to get better made me feel confident.

I also learned how to balance caring about something strongly and caring too much. I was always the person who overanalyze and overthink everything. While that is a good quality of mine, it was creating unnecessary pressure that didn’t exist.

I learned how to focus on the things I can control, and analyze things quickly and moving on. I learned how not to dwell on my downfalls.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
Syracuse University

Louie Bulger

“Sam’s coaching doesn’t just help you with sports specific performance but also it’s very applicable for your performance in the outside world which for me was a really important thing.

Sam’s coaching helped me transition from a D1 athlete with dreams of being a professional soccer player to my new life outside of soccer.

I would recommend anyone to work with Sam, it helped me.”

Division 1 Soccer Player-
Butler University

Brandon Guhl